Our 2 year olds
We accept children from the age of two-year-olds. We start with a few tasters’ sessions and meet you at your home helping your child to be comfortable with us, before starting their full sessions. We accept two-year funding and can help you apply for this if needed.
Our two-year-old coordinators are Vidya and Becca, and they are responsible for the planning of our two-year-olds. They keep up to date with changes in requirements, they work closely with our SENDco, inclusion partners, health visitors and Family support workers at HCRG (formally known as children’s centres).
If your child has not had their two-year-old review before coming to us, we will carry this together with the health team called an integrated review. We have found these to work really well for the child, as they are more comfortable being in the preschool setting. Alongside their parents, preschool practitioners and HFSW we all can complete the ASQs together with the child being the centre of our attention.
Helpful website - Essex have a wonderful website with lots of advice and ideas for your two-year-olds. Talk listen and Cuddle.